2023 ANZCCJ Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Annual Report 2023


2023 Annual General Meeting and Executive Council Election

The Australian and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan’s 2023 Annual General Meeting and Executive Council Election will be held at Pullman Tokyo Tamachi on Friday 08 December, 2023.

Seven positions are available for the 2023-2025 Executive Council, with the absentee voting period open until Thursday 7 December. Please click the button below to download a copy of the Executive Councillor Election Absentee Ballot or Proxy Ballot.

The 2023 AGM is open to all members, and will commence at 6:30PM with the Chair’s Report from Sally Townsend, Treasurer’s Report from Masatoshi Kitajima, and announcement of the 2023 Executive Council Candidates. 

From 7:15PM, members and non-members alike are invited to join us for the Bonenkai with buffet and free flow drinks to celebrate the end of a successful 2023.

Please see below for the 2023-2025 Executive Council Candidates, or to download your absentee voting ballot.

The Executive Council is the governing body of the ANZCCJ, consisting of 12 Councillors. As a group, the Executive Council determines the Chamber’s policies and priorities and oversees its financial affairs. The main roles and responsibilities of Executive Council members include:

  • Furthering the Chamber’s core mission, setting key strategic objectives and ensuring activities align.
  • Helping the ANZCCJ deliver real value for its members, as well as outreach to new and potentially beneficial members.
  • Being a senior representative for the ANZCCJ, attending ANZCCJ meetings and events.
  • Actively participating in or chairing one or more ANZCCJ committees or working groups that deal with specific issues or initiatives, acting as a liaison between the Executive Council and that Committee/working group. This initiative will draw from the EC members’ strengths and skills, align with their current profession or interests, and provide further learning and development opportunities.
  • Acting as MC or moderator at events, particularly those related to the Committee with which the council member is affiliated.
  • Overseeing the Secretariat’s management of the ANZCCJ’s operations.

All current members of the ANZCCJ are eligible for nomination to the Executive Council. According to the ANZCCJ Constitution, the Executive Council must consist of:

  • at least seven (7) Councillors from companies holding Corporate Membership
  • at least two (2) members of Australian companies holding Corporate Membership
  • at least one (1) member of a New Zealand company holding Corporate Membership
  • at least two (2) members holding Individual Membership

Companies with Corporate Sponsorship and Individual members of the Chamber each have one vote with a weighted value (Platinum 4, Gold 4, Silver 4, Bronze 3, Individual 1). For example, a Platinum Sponsor company can submit one vote, which will carry a weighted value of 4. Those with Individual memberships can also submit one vote, which will carry a weighted value of 1.

Absentee and proxy voting forms will be accepted by the ANZCCJ Secretariat until Wednesday 29 November.


Marion Baillat

42 Interactive (AU Corporate)

Byron Frost

Baker McKenzie (AU Corporate)


Lendlease Japan Inc. (AU Corporate)

Adam Hall

Hall GK (Individual)

Catherine O'Connell

Catherine O'Connell Law (NZ Corporate)

Yuzo Okuno

Rio Tinto Japan Limited (AU Corporate)


Wholesum Japan Co. (Individual)

齋藤 宗作

Macquarie Asset Management Japan (AU Corporate)


Hitotsubashi University Business School (Individual)

Lily Takegasa

Patties Foods Group (AU Corporate)

Hirofumi Tokunaga

National Australia Bank (AU Corporate)

渡邊 扶美子

BrainMaid (Individual)
